Retail Salesmanship
Goal Setting For Success
Goal Setting for Success By David Johns The Roman philosopher Seneca has been credited with the statement that Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. …
Problems / Benefits Surrounding Training
The Problems and Benefits Surrounding Training Here are the PROBLEMS I have heard from business leaders and my response. I think I have heard them…
Creating Relationships
What’s important to you? What are your interests? What do you care about? How well informed are you about your own interests? Are you an…
Invest time and money in yourself, your business and your family
I have long preached that “value” is simply perception. The value one places on $100 varies greatly from person to person. The same is true of time.…
16 Essential Leadership and Parenting Standards for success – Part Two
SIXTEEN STANDARDS OF LEADERSHIP AND PARENTING!Part Two There are many factors that contribute to the making of a great leader or parent. For now, let’s…
16 Essential Leadership And Parenting Standards for Success – Part One
Sixteen Standards of Leadership & Parenting There are many qualities that contribute to the making of a great leader. For now, let’s focus on 16…
Can’t Coach the Uncoachable!
The other night, I had the pleasure of having dinner with a fellow speaker, trainer, and friend named Bryan. Bryan and I were both speaking…
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