The Problems and Benefits Surrounding Training
Here are the PROBLEMS I have heard from business leaders and my response. I think I have heard them all.
- Sales and/or productivity go up for a few weeks and then fall right back down to where they used to be or just slightly above previous levels.
Training has to be consistent and ongoing. Most people retain about 25% of the information given during a training session. Training has to be 24/7/365.
- They are not doing it.
Have you followed the 5 criteria for training? People have to hear it, read it, write it, role-play it, & be observed doing it in live presentations.
- What if I train my staff and then they leave and go to my competition.
What if you don’t train them and then they decide to stay with you?
- I don’t have time to do training.
Tell that to your doctor, lawyer, dentist, electrician, jeweler, auto mechanic, airline pilot, semi-truck driver, military person, accountant, financial planner etc. and let me know their reaction.
- I will have to pay overtime for my people to come to training.
The costs far outweigh the expenses when they apply to material.
- I run out of material.
Then just like 85% of other people you don’t have a formal training program that you are using or exposure to teaching materials. There is a mountain of information available – you just have to search. You started in a great place – this website
- They don’t seem to remember the information that I give them.
Repetition is the secret to retention, they may need to hear, read, write, role-play it a number of times before it becomes standard operating procedure.
- My training sessions become gripe sessions.
You have lost control of your meetings and need to have a pre-planned agenda and stick to it. Should a legitimate concern arise, address it in a different venue.
- I already trained my people.
And yet they are doing the same things that they have always done and getting the same results. Sounds like a leadership issue – see response to #7 above. I can’t tell you how many stores I have been in where I have trained their staff and they still repeat the same mistakes as before. I read that it takes 21 days to change a habit – I believe the same is true with training and teaching. Positive reinforcement and catching people doing things right is essential.
- I am waiting to do training until things get more stable.
Don’t wait too long your family, check book, creditors; vendors etc are counting on you to be successful. I will go to the grave believing that people are good, the reason they don’t produce is because they don’t know what they don’t know and they are being management based on opinions, not facts. Nobody ever takes a job wanting to fail!
- They don’t want the training.
You either have the wrong people in place – or they don’t know what they don’t know.
- My people are naturally good.
Great people always want more training and an extra edge to stay on top of their game. Good can be better and better can be best, best can be sensational and so on, encourage people to always strive to be their best. The day you quit learning you might as well be six feet under.
- Training is too expensive.
Training is very expensive if you don’t have it and use it. Training is priceless when used and implemented.
- My training isn’t consistent.
See the answer to number 6.
- They lose their focus.
Then get their attention. It is the consistent application of good, sound principles in business and life that will guarantee your success. Training, Accountability, Goals, Non-Negotiable Standards, a Learning Process and having a mentor are all good, sound principles.
- I have an experienced, trained group of people.
You still need to create an environment of personal growth, development and education. Surround yourself with people that want to get better as professionals and as human beings and you can’t help but be successful. I know a lot of experienced people who have been in their respective positions, fields or industry forever and still need training. Ask yourself do they have 10 years of experience or one year of experience 10 times?
Here are some of the BENEFITS of training in a business. The benefits in a personal environment are obvious.
- Increased sales and profits.
- Increased value of your business.
- Being able to work because you want to, not because you have to.
- A happy staff that wants to stay and grow with the business.
- Happy Customers who just keep coming back and give referrals.
- A fun, happy, productive workplace environment.
- Being able to work on your business, not in your business
- Able to pay or reward your people with more money and enjoy some of the better things in life.
- Creating a winning culture where people are waiting in line to come to work for you or with you.
- A better life.
- Increased worth to yourself, your family, your business and your community.
Tips on getting the maximum benefit.
Reread this information, write down your top 2 takeaways. Acknowledge how they relate to you and your situation. When speaking with your audience try to develop your own stories and analogies on how it applies to them. Share your biggest takeaway in the comments section. I would love to hear from you.
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